
The ModinDataframe is the parent class for all dataframes - regardless of what storage format they are backed by. Its purpose is to define the algebra operators that must be exposed by a dataframe.

This class exposes the dataframe algebra and is meant to be subclassed by all dataframe implementations. Descendants of this class implement the algebra, and act as the intermediate level between the query compiler and the underlying execution details (e.g. the conforming partition manager). The class provides a significantly reduced set of operations that can be composed to form any pandas query.

The PandasDataframe is an example of a descendant of this class. It currently has implementations for some of the operators exposed in this class, and is currently being refactored to include implementations for all of the algebra operators. Please refer to the :doc: PandasDataframe documentation<flow/modin/core/dataframe/pandas/dataframe.rst> for more information.

The ModinDataframe is independent of implementation specific details such as partitioning, storage format, or execution engine.

Public API

class modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.dataframe.ModinDataframe

An abstract class that represents the Parent class for any Dataframe class.

This class is intended to specify the behaviors that a Dataframe must implement.

For more details about how these methods were chosen, please refer to this ( paper, which specifies a Dataframe algebra that this class exposes.

abstract concat(axis: Union[int, modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.utils.Axis], others: Union[modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.dataframe.ModinDataframe, List[modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.dataframe.ModinDataframe]]) modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.dataframe.ModinDataframe

Append rows/columns along the specified axis from multiple dataframes.

  • axis (int or modin.core.dataframe.base.utils.Axis) – The axis on which to perform the concatenation.

  • others (ModinDataframe or list of ModinDataframes) – The other ModinDataframe(s) to concatenate.


A new ModinDataframe that is the result of concatenating the dataframes over the specified axis.

Return type



The concat operator incurs fixed overheads, and so this algebra places no limit to the number of dataframes that may be concatenated in this way.

abstract explode(axis: Union[int, modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.utils.Axis], function: Callable, result_schema: Optional[Dict[Hashable, type]] = None) modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.dataframe.ModinDataframe

Explode data based on the function provided along the specified axis.

  • axis (int or modin.core.dataframe.base.utils.Axis) – The axis to expand over.

  • function (callable) – The function to use to expand the data. This function should accept one row/column, and return multiple.

  • result_schema (dictionary, optional) – Mapping from column labels to data types that represents the types of the output dataframe.


A new ModinDataframe with the specified axis expanded.

Return type



Only one axis can be expanded at a time.

The user-defined function may increase the number of rows (columns if axis=1), but it should not remove or drop rows.

abstract filter(axis: Union[int, modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.utils.Axis], condition: Callable) modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.dataframe.ModinDataframe

Filter data based on the function provided along the specified axis.

  • axis (int or modin.core.dataframe.base.utils.Axis) – The axis to filter over.

  • condition (callable(row|col) -> bool) – The function to use for the filter. This function should filter the data itself. It accepts either a row or column (depending on the axis argument) and returns True to keep the row/col, and False to drop it.


A new ModinDataframe filtered by content according to the filter provided by condition.

Return type


abstract filter_by_types(types: List[Hashable]) modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.dataframe.ModinDataframe

Allow the user to specify a type or set of types by which to filter the columns.


types (list of hashables) – The types to filter columns by.


A new ModinDataframe with only the columns whose dtypes appear in types.

Return type


abstract from_labels() modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.dataframe.ModinDataframe

Move the row labels into the data at position 0, and sets the row labels to the positional notation.


A new ModinDataframe with the row labels moved into the data.

Return type



In the case that the dataframe has hierarchical labels, all label “levels” are inserted into the dataframe in the order they occur in the labels, with the outermost being in position 0.

abstract groupby(axis: Union[int, modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.utils.Axis], by: Union[str, List[str]], operator: Callable, result_schema: Optional[Dict[Hashable, type]] = None) modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.dataframe.ModinDataframe

Generate groups based on values in the input column(s) and perform the specified operation on each.

  • axis (int or modin.core.dataframe.base.utils.Axis) – The axis to apply the grouping over.

  • by (string or list of strings) – One or more column labels to use for grouping.

  • operator (callable) – The operation to carry out on each of the groups. The operator is another algebraic operator with its own user-defined function parameter, depending on the output desired by the user.

  • result_schema (dictionary, optional) – Mapping from column labels to data types that represents the types of the output dataframe.


A new ModinDataframe containing the groupings specified, with the operator applied to each group.

Return type



No communication between groups is allowed in this algebra implementation.

The number of rows (columns if axis=1) returned by the user-defined function passed to the groupby may be at most the number of rows in the group, and may be as small as a single row.

Unlike the pandas API, an intermediate “GROUP BY” object is not present in this algebra implementation.

abstract infer_types(columns_list: List[str]) modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.dataframe.ModinDataframe

Determine the compatible type shared by all values in the specified columns, and coerce them to that type.


columns_list (list of strings) – List of column labels to infer and induce types over.


A new ModinDataframe with the inferred schema.

Return type


abstract join(axis: Union[int, modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.utils.Axis], condition: Callable, other: modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.dataframe.ModinDataframe, join_type: Union[str, modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.utils.JoinType]) modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.dataframe.ModinDataframe

Join this dataframe with the other.

  • axis (int or modin.core.dataframe.base.utils.Axis) – The axis to perform the join on.

  • condition (callable) – Function that determines which rows should be joined. The condition can be a simple equality, e.g. “left.col1 == right.col1” or can be arbitrarily complex.

  • other (ModinDataframe) – The other data to join with, i.e. the right dataframe.

  • join_type (string {"inner", "left", "right", "outer"} or modin.core.dataframe.base.utils.JoinType) – The type of join to perform.


A new ModinDataframe that is the result of applying the specified join over the two dataframes.

Return type



During the join, this dataframe is considered the left, while the other is treated as the right.

Only inner joins, left outer, right outer, and full outer joins are currently supported. Support for other join types (e.g. natural join) may be implemented in the future.

abstract map(function: Callable, axis: Optional[Union[int, modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.utils.Axis]] = None, dtypes: Optional[str] = None) modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.dataframe.ModinDataframe

Apply a user-defined function row-wise if axis`=0, column-wise if `axis`=1, and cell-wise if `axis is None.

  • function (callable(row|col|cell) -> row|col|cell) – The function to map across the dataframe.

  • axis (int or modin.core.dataframe.base.utils.Axis, optional) – The axis to map over.

  • dtypes (str, optional) – The data types for the result. This is an optimization because there are functions that always result in a particular data type, and this allows us to avoid (re)computing it.


A new ModinDataframe with the map applied.

Return type



This does not change the shape of the dataframe.

abstract mask(row_labels: Optional[List[Hashable]] = None, row_positions: Optional[List[int]] = None, col_labels: Optional[List[Hashable]] = None, col_positions: Optional[List[int]] = None) modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.dataframe.ModinDataframe

Mask rows and columns in the dataframe.

Allow users to perform selection and projection on the row and column labels (named notation), in addition to the row and column number (positional notation).

  • row_labels (list of hashable, optional) – The row labels to extract.

  • row_positions (list of int, optional) – The row positions to extract.

  • col_labels (list of hashable, optional) – The column labels to extract.

  • col_positions (list of int, optional) – The column positions to extract.


A new ModinDataframe from the mask provided.

Return type



If both row_labels and row_positions are provided, a ValueError is raised. The same rule applies for col_labels and col_positions.

abstract reduce(axis: Union[int, modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.utils.Axis], function: Callable, dtypes: Optional[str] = None) modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.dataframe.ModinDataframe

Perform a user-defined aggregation on the specified axis, where the axis reduces down to a singleton.

  • axis (int or modin.core.dataframe.base.utils.Axis) – The axis to perform the reduce over.

  • function (callable(row|col) -> single value) – The reduce function to apply to each column.

  • dtypes (str, optional) – The data types for the result. This is an optimization because there are functions that always result in a particular data type, and this allows us to avoid (re)computing it.


A new ModinDataframe with the same columns as the previous, with only a single row.

Return type



The user-defined function must reduce to a single value.

abstract rename(new_row_labels: Optional[Union[Dict[Hashable, Hashable], Callable]] = None, new_col_labels: Optional[Union[Dict[Hashable, Hashable], Callable]] = None, level: Optional[Union[int, List[int]]] = None) modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.dataframe.ModinDataframe

Replace the row and column labels with the specified new labels.

  • new_row_labels (dictionary or callable, optional) – Mapping or callable that relates old row labels to new labels.

  • new_col_labels (dictionary or callable, optional) – Mapping or callable that relates old col labels to new labels.

  • level (int or list of ints, optional) – Level(s) whose row labels to replace.


A new ModinDataframe with the new row and column labels.

Return type



If level is not specified, the default behavior is to replace row labels in all levels.

abstract sort_by(axis: Union[int, modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.utils.Axis], labels: Union[str, List[str]], ascending: bool = True) modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.dataframe.ModinDataframe

Logically reorder rows (columns if axis=1) lexicographically by the data in a column or set of columns.

  • axis (int or modin.core.dataframe.base.utils.Axis) – The axis to perform the sort over.

  • labels (string or list of strings) – Column (row if axis=1) label(s) to use to determine lexicographical ordering. If multiple columns (rows if axis=1) are provided, the sort is performed on the first column (row if axis=1), with ties broken by the other columns (rows if axis=1) provided.

  • ascending (boolean, default: True) – Whether to sort in ascending or descending order.


A new ModinDataframe sorted into lexicographical order by the specified column(s).

Return type


abstract to_labels(column_labels: Union[str, List[str]]) modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.dataframe.ModinDataframe

Replace the row labels with one or more columns of data.


column_labels (string or list of strings) – Column label(s) to use as the new row labels.


A new ModinDataframe with the row labels replaced by the specified columns.

Return type



When multiple column labels are specified, a hierarchical set of labels is created, ordered by the ordering of labels in the input.

abstract transpose() modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.dataframe.ModinDataframe

Swap the row and column axes.


A new ModinDataframe with the row and column axes swapped.

Return type



Transposing a dataframe is expensive, and so it is performed lazily. The axes are swapped logically immediately, but the physical swap does not occur until absolutely necessary, which helps motivate the axis argument to the other operators in this algebra.

abstract tree_reduce(axis: Union[int, modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.utils.Axis], map_func: Callable, reduce_func: Optional[Callable] = None, dtypes: Optional[str] = None) modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.dataframe.ModinDataframe

Perform a user-defined aggregation on the specified axis, where the axis reduces down to a singleton using a tree-reduce computation pattern.

The map function is applied first over multiple partitions of a column, and then the reduce function (if specified, otherwise the map function is applied again) is applied to the results to produce a single value.

  • axis (int or modin.core.dataframe.base.utils.Axis) – The axis to perform the tree reduce over.

  • map_func (callable(row|col) -> row|col|single value) – The map function to apply to each column.

  • reduce_func (callable(row|col) -> single value, optional) – The reduce function to apply to the results of the map function.

  • dtypes (str, optional) – The data types for the result. This is an optimization because there are functions that always result in a particular data type, and this allows us to avoid (re)computing it.


A new ModinDataframe with the same columns as the previous, with only a single row.

Return type



The user-defined function must reduce to a single value.

If the user-defined function requires access to the entire column, please use reduce instead.

abstract window(axis: Union[int, modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.utils.Axis], reduce_fn: Callable, window_size: int, result_schema: Optional[Dict[Hashable, type]] = None) modin.core.dataframe.base.dataframe.dataframe.ModinDataframe

Apply a sliding window operator that acts as a GROUPBY on each window, reducing each window to a single row (column).

  • axis (int or modin.core.dataframe.base.utils.Axis) – The axis to slide over.

  • reduce_fn (callable(rowgroup|colgroup) -> row|col) – The reduce function to apply over the data.

  • window_size (int) – The number of row/columns to pass to the function. (The size of the sliding window).

  • result_schema (dictionary, optional) – Mapping from column labels to data types that represents the types of the output dataframe.


A new ModinDataframe with the reduce function applied over windows of the specified axis.

Return type



The user-defined reduce function must reduce each window’s column (row if axis=1) down to a single value.