Modin SQL API#

Modin’s SQL API is currently a conceptual plan, Coming Soon!

Plans for future development#

Our plans with the SQL API for Modin are to create an interface that allows you to intermix SQL and pandas operations without copying the entire dataset into a new structure between the two. This is possible due to the architecture of Modin. Currently, Modin has a query compiler that acts as an intermediate layer between the query language (e.g. SQL, pandas) and the execution (See architecture documentation for details).

We have implemented a simple example that can be found below. Feedback welcome!

>>> import modin.sql as sql
>>> conn = sql.connect("db_name")
>>> c = conn.cursor()
>>> c.execute("CREATE TABLE example (col1, col2, column 3, col4)")
>>> c.execute("INSERT INTO example VALUES ('1', 2.0, 'A String of information', True)")
  col1  col2                 column 3  col4
0    1   2.0  A String of information  True

>>> c.execute("INSERT INTO example VALUES ('6', 17.0, 'A String of different information', False)")
  col1  col2                           column 3   col4
0    1   2.0            A String of information   True
1    6  17.0  A String of different information  False