Factories Module Description

Brief description

Modin has several execution backends. Calling any DataFrame API function will end up in some backend-specific method. The responsibility of dispatching high-level API calls to backend-specific function belongs to the QueryCompiler, which is determined at the time of the dataframe’s creation by the factory of the corresponding backend. The mission of this module is to route IO function calls from the API level to its actual backend-specific implementations, which builds the QueryCompiler of the appropriate backend.

Backend representation via Factories

Backend is a combination of the QueryCompiler and Execution Engine. For example, PandasOnRay backend means the combination of the PandasQueryCompiler and Ray engine.

In the scope of this module, each backend is represented with a factory class located in modin/data_management/factories/factories.py. Each factory contains a field that identifies the IO module of the corresponding backend. This IO module is responsible for dispatching calls of IO functions to their actual implementations in the underlying IO module. For more information about IO module visit related doc.

Factory Dispatcher

The modin.data_management.factories.dispatcher.FactoryDispatcher class provides public methods whose interface corresponds to pandas IO functions, the only difference is that they return QueryCompiler of the selected backend instead of DataFrame. FactoryDispatcher is responsible for routing these IO calls to the factory which represents the selected backend.

So when you call read_csv() function and your backend is PandasOnRay then the trace would be the following:


modin.pandas.read_csv calls FactoryDispatcher.read_csv, which calls .read_csv function of the factory of the selected backend, in our case it’s PandasOnRayFactory._read_csv, which in turn forwards this call to the actual implementation of read_csv — to the PandasOnRayIO.read_csv. The result of modin.pandas.read_csv will return a Modin DataFrame with the appropriate QueryCompiler bound to it, which is responsible for dispatching all of the further function calls.